Pofix 322 Glazing

is fabricated material-glazing(finish glaze)on the basis of cement and lime for internal and external walls. It is used for glazing of basic mortars (Pofix 10, Pofix 090, etc), delicate mortars concrete surfaces, and less wet places.

When it is completely dry it can be colored over or covered by wall papers.

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Technical Details


Pofix 322 is fabricated material-glazing(finish glaze)on the basis of cement and lime for internal and external walls. It is used for glazing of basic mortars (Pofix 10, Pofix 090, etc), delicate mortars concrete surfaces, and less wet places.

When it is completely dry it can be colored over or covered by wall papers.

Preparation and applicationParameters
Time for application after mixing with water20 min.
Drying time of material18 h.
Application thickness1.5 mm.
Granulation0.6 mm.
Consumption1.5 kg/m2.
The temperature of the air and surface+5/+35°C
Kg bag20