Pofix 705 – White structural mortar – ABRIB

is fabricated, enabling the decoration of mineral mortar for internal walls. It is laid over the basic mechanical mortars (Pofix 10, Pofix 090, etc.) thermo-isolation, lengthening mortars, eps, and mineral woolen boards which are previously flattened with Pofix 50. Before applying Pofix 366 it is recommended to use Poputzgrund.

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Technical Details

White structural mortar – ABRIB

Pofix 705-Abrib is fabricated, enabling the decoration of mineral mortar for external walls. It is laid over the basic mechanical mortars (Pofix 10, Pofix 090, etc.) thermo-isolation, lengthening mortars, eps, and mineral woolen boards which are previously flattened with Pofix 50. Before applying Pofix 705 it is recommended to use Poputzgrund.

Preparation and applicationParameters
Time for application after mixing with water60 min.
Drying time of material24 h.
Application thickness1 mm; 1.5 mm; 2 mm
Granulation3 mm.
Consumption2-4 kg/m2.
The temperature of the air and surface+5/+35°C
Kg bag25